Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Irresistible Revolution, Ch. 2 (p 53-67)

The Irresistible Revolution, Ch. 2 (p 53-67)
Resurrecting Church

Here are five quotes that stood out to me. What caught your attention, moved you, or connected with you?

(1) “They reminded us that we all need each other and assured us that if we all shared with one another, there would be enough for everyone” (p 57).

This is something Charissa and I are trying to live. It’s easy to lend some things; for me it’s books and documentaries. Other items, the Vitamix for example, reveal a streak of selfishness. We could live with so much less by learning to share. How many lawn mowers does one neighborhood or one church community really need? Or cars?

(2) “My second instinct was to cry because of how far the church had become removed from the poor” (p 63).

When we came to this new church, we joined a study class that does try to serve. They’ve built a Habitat for Humanity house. They get names of pregnant women with financial problems and donate dressers to them full of baby supplies and clothes. Plus they regularly help people in the community with dollars and cents. It’s really beautiful, and now we’re leaving again. What are you doing along with your local faith community? What’s your story?

(3) “At that moment, we decided to stop complaining about the church we saw, and we set our hearts on becoming the church we dreamed of” (p 64). What is your dream for your faith community?

(4) “Over and over, when I ask God why all of these injustices are allowed to exist in the world, I can feel the Spirit whisper to me, “You tell me why we allow this to happen. You are my body, my hands, my feet” (p 65).

I had an experience just like this a few years ago. It went something like this, “God, why don’t you do something about this.” “Jeff, why don’t you?” You can read about it in a talk I gave in South Korea—I don’t know why. It was eerie to read this story.

(5) “We do indeed have a God of resurrection, a God who can create beauty from the messes we make of our world” (p 67). What “beauty from the messes” have you seen? What have you been a part of?

As always, feel free to address these questions and quotes or anything else that you'd like. Consider the general questions.