The Irresistible Revolution, Ch. 5b (p 136-146)
Another Way of Doing Life
By Travis, O.R. Conspirator Extraordinaire
By Travis, O.R. Conspirator Extraordinaire
(1) "We've been very careful at the Simple Way never to claim that we have the corner on the market for "radical Christianity." Nor have we even tried to spread a brand or model." (p 137) (italics & bold mine).
I'm so glad that I don't see "IR" mouse pads or coffee cups. I'm sorry to offend anyone but give me a break. Just go to come and search Purpose Driven Life or Your Best Life Now and see what comes up. Do we need calendars and planners promoting this stuff? Daily devotions? I tried to find a link to the mouse pads. I know I've seen the Purpose Driven Life mouse pads but I could not find them online. I know that the intentions are good but when someone without a christian background sees this stuff, what does it communicate? Personally it turns me off and makes me feel like I'm being sold another product. Another brand. Another model.
What do I buy into? In a highly consumer driven society how do I determine what is needed and what is junk? How do I vote with my dollars?
(2) "And the incredible thing is that the stories of ordinary radicals are all over the place, stories of everyday people doing small things with great love, with their lives, gifts, and careers." (p 137)
What am I doing? How am I doing small things with great love?
Last week after church myself and some friends went to the hospital to visit an older woman from our congregation. The idea was birthed out of the sermon topic. We have been doing a series about how God interacts with us through our 5 senses and how we use those senses to interact with the world. We wanted to sing songs to this woman (who loves praise and worship time) and be a sweet fragrance in a dying world (we studied the sense of smell at church). She ended up ministering to us and touching us (I think) more profoundly than our ministry to her.
(3) "Some may leave their jobs. Others will redefine them." (p 140) "So not everyone responds in the same way, but we must respond." (p 142) (italics & bold mine)
How are you responding? I love how he gives many examples all throughout the book about people ministering in many different and unique ways. Amazing. Beautiful. Freeing. Inspiring.
I'm constantly reviewing this one. Right now I'm considering taking a job at the church. Is this what God wants? Is this the best use of my talents? Is this where I need to focus? Am I doing it for a paycheck?
(4) Jesus was not simply a missionary to the poor. He was poor -- born a baby refugee from the badlands of Nazareth, wandered the world a homeless rabbi, died the rotten death of insurrectionists and bandits on the cross, executed by an oppressive empire, buried in a borrowed tomb. Jesus was crucified not for helping the poor people but for joining them. That is the Jesus we follow." (p 144) (italics his)
Do you follow this Jesus? Does it make you uncomfortable?
These facts really disturb me. They rail against the Jesus I learned about at church in my little bible class growing up. It's not pretty. It's not clean. It's too real.
But I'm learning more about, and my heart is being moved to follow this Jesus. To see this Jesus. It's hard. It's uncomfortable. It's exciting.
(5) "What the world really needs is not more churches but a Church" (p 146)
I love how he talks about this concept. That we are all the embodiment of Christ on earth. It reminds me of the story about someone asking C.S. Lewis (I think) which church they should attend and he says that you should go to the one closest to your house! Interesting. How many of us drive out of our community in order to be in another community? Just a question. Questions are good.
I still pose the question: What would it look like if a church impacted the community within its mile radius? Imagine every church on every corner.
That's all for me......until next time. Peace be with you.